
Sean Dorsey Dance 2022 Home Season

Sneak-peek excerpts-in-progress of SDD’s new work “The Lost Art Of Dreaming”

Photo: Kegan Marling

(Event is approximately 30 minutes long)
Friday April 8 @ 7pm
Saturday April 9 @ 2pm
Saturday April 9 @ 7pm
Sunday April 10 @ 2pm (with ASL interpretation)
Sunday April 10 @ 7pm (with ASL interpretation)

Z Space
450 Florida Street (between 17th St. and Mariposa St.)
San Francisco, CA

$0-25 sliding scale donation

NOTE: Z Space does NOT allow walk-up ticket sales (for COVID-19 safety)You must register for your tickets in advance.

Audience is required to be KN95 masked (we’ll give you a KN95 mask!) and fully vaccinated and boostered.

Audience is required to be masked and fully vaccinated: please see full details below.

* Z Space’s entrance, lobby, bathrooms and audience seating are wheelchair accessible.
* The front row of seating is at floor level; all other rows of seating are on risers and require climbing stairs.
* The front row of seating features armless chairs; all other chairs in the theater have non-moveable arms.
* Both Sunday performances will feature ASL Interpretation: please let us know when you’re coming!
* If you need to reserve front row / accessible seating, email us at
* Theater has all-gender restrooms.

Don’t miss Sean Dorsey Dance’s first live, in-person performance in over TWO YEARS! **

Tickets are limited: get your tickets now! We are offering 5-performances-only, with very limited seating for COVID safety.

Sean Dorsey Dance’s 2022 Home Season offers an exclusive first look at excerpts from our upcoming new show The Lost Art Of Dreaming. This new show-in-progress is being created this year, and the full show will premiere in Fall 2022.

SDD’s new multi-year project The Lost Art Of Dreaming invites us into expansive Future thinking and imagination. What does it feel like to reconnect with our deepest Dreams? How do you imagine a Future in a world that doesn’t expect you to even have one?

The event will last approximately 30 minutes, and features the performance of sections-in-progress from the new show, followed by the lobby launch of our Postcards From The Future and The Futurist Pledge!

Audience members will be the very FIRST to see and experience our Postcards From The Future and The Futurist Pledge … Audience members will receive Postcards and a Pledge to take home …for FREE!

A FREE, online, on-demand, Closed-Captioned video of this event will be available by request for those who cannot attend in-person events safely, or who cannot be vaccinated, because of disability, illness, immune suppression or other circumstances. Please see below for details.**

Choreographed and written by:
Sean Dorsey

Movement created & performed by:
Sean Dorsey, Héctor Jaime, Nol Simonse, and Tajh Stallworth

Original music composed by:
Anomie Belle, LD Brown, Frida Ibarra, Alex Kelly, Ben Kessler, Jesse Olsen Bay, and Kelsey Lu

Costume Design by:
Tiffany Amundson

Lighting Design by:
Clyde Sheets

Technical Direction by:
Emily Paulson

Soundscore engineering by:
Grace Coleman

Postcards From The Future artists:
Tupili E. Arellano, Wriply Bennet, liminal hymn, Art Twink

Graphic Design by:
Den Legaspi

Sean Dorsey Dance (L-R): Nol Simonse, Héctor Jaime, Sean Dorsey, Tajh Stallworth

* Audience is required to be KN95 masked (we’ll give you a KN95 mask!) and fully vaccinated and boostered.
*We care about you and we care about our communities!
* For the health, safety and well-being of everyone in our space, Z Space’s current COVID-19 policy requires all patrons, performers, and staff to be fully vaccinated (including booster).
* Ticket holders will be required to show proof of vaccination and booster.
* Ticket holders and staff will be required to wear KN95 face masks for the entirety of their time inside the building. Our staff will provide KN95 masks to everyone before they enter the building.
* Each performance will have very limited seating — only about 50 audience members per performance, with plenty of space between seating.
* You can read about the full set of safety protocols on Z Space’s website:

* Sean Dorsey Dance and Fresh Meat Productions resist and oppose the current rush to “re-open” without regard for the well-being and safety of our communities’ most marginalized, under-resourced and/or vulnerable.
* If you cannot attend in-person events safely and/or cannot be vaccinated because of disability, illness or immune suppression – we still want this work to be accessible to you!
* We will make an online, on-demand, Closed-Captioned video version of our Home Season available for FREE a few weeks after our in-person Home Season ($0+ sliding scale donation). Please email us if you’d like to have access to watch this! (Email to let us know, and we will email you a link when it’s ready!)

THE LOST ART OF DREAMING has been commissioned by American Dance Festival, Dance Place (Washington DC), 7 Stages (Atlanta GA), Velocity Dance Center (Seattle WA), Queer Cultural Center (San Francisco CA), and Yerba Buena Gardens Festival; and developed through residencies with the National Choreography Center in Akron (Akron OH) and Z Space (San Francisco CA).

THE LOST ART OF DREAMING has been awarded support from the commissioners above, and from the California Arts Council, Kenneth Rainin Foundation, New England Foundation for the Arts’ National Dance Project – with lead funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, National Performance Network and San Francisco Arts Commission.

SEAN DORSEY DANCE is the resident company of Fresh Meat Productions – learn more about Fresh Meat Productions here.