Please click on the buttons below to read program credits and artist bios!
Artistic Director: Sean Dorsey
General Manager: Shawna Virago
Production Coordinator: Eric Garcia
Social Media Coordinator & Access Coordinator: StormMiguel Florez
Graphic Designer: Den Legaspie
Development Director: Krista Smith
Videography Consultant: Annalise Ophelian
Online Programs Technical Coordinator: Gwen Park
House DJ: Frida Ibarra
Videography by: RAPT Productions (all years except 2018 ), LRP Productions (2018 footage)
reFRESH Programs 1 + 2 + 3 edited by: Lindsay Gauthier, RAPT Productions
reFRESH Programs 4 + 5 edited by: StormMiguel Florez
Closed Captioning by: Perfect Pages
Fresh Meat Productions Board of Directors: Ryan Buchholz, Tina D’Elia, Sean Dorsey,
Beatrice Thomas, Erin Singer, Mauryne Lees, Shawna Virago
Trans:Thrive, Larkin Street Youth Services, TGI Justice Project, San Francisco Transgender Film Festival, SF WAR, Queer Women of Color Media Proejct – QWOCMAP, Good Vibrations, LYRIC, Wild Fancy
Fresh Meat Productions is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, California Arts Council, Creative Capacity Fund, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Ford Foundation, Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Fund for Trans Generations – Borealis Philanthropy, Grants for the Arts, Horizons Foundation, Kenneth Rainin Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, National Performance Network, New England Foundation for the Arts’ National Dance Project, Nicholas B. Ottaway Foundation, Phyllis C. Wattis Foundation, Queer Cultural Center, San Francisco Arts Commission, San Francisco Arts & Artists Relief Fund, Walter and Elise Haas Fund, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Zellerbach Family Foundation and generous individual donors.is